
Stances- Melee - ::Back Guard::

Back Guard (Sword / Sword and Shield)

Back Guard

This is the first stance a fighter starts with. This basically contains most of offensive skills that a fighter has that also has a tendency to block some of enemy's attacks. This stance balances both defense and offense, and the growth of attack speed and block rate is balanced.


Requirement:Character Lvl 1
Cost:1,200 Vis
Type:Sword or Sword & Shield
Available to (rNPCs):Fighter, Ramiro, Tiburon, Yeganeh, Panfilo, Panfilo the Battle Cook, Adelina, Adelina the Pirate, Claude, Coimbra Trooper, Catherine of [Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence]

Deep Straight

1 - Deep Straight - SP: 100

Number of target/s:1
Cast time:2.02 seconds
Cooldown time:0 seconds
Range:Target enemy and enemies near target enemy.
Knock back:4.5m
Item needed: -
Description: Fighter thrusts the sword and kicks the enemy hard.
Remarks: -20 Def

Level:1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12
Attack Power:360%393%426%459%492%524%557%590%623%655%688%721%

Earth Tremor

8 - Earth Tremor - SP: 200
Number of target/s:3
Cast time:2.2 seconds
Cooldown time:10 seconds
Range:4m Range, 2m Radius
Knock back:4m
Item needed: -
Description: Fighter's very first aoe skill that is very handy when handling mobs. The damage percentage shown below will only be dealt to the target enemy, other enemies within the range will get less damage.

Level:1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12
Attack Power:317%346%374%403%432%461%490%518%547%576%605%634%

Penta Train

12 - Penta Train - SP: 250
Number of target/s:1
Cast time:3.4 seconds
Cooldown time:15 seconds
Range:Single Target
Knock back:4m
Item needed: -
Description: Fighter inflics a continuous hit of sword on to an enemy target.

Level:1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12
Attack Power:516%563%610%657%704%751%798%845%892%939%986%1033%

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