In Sword of the New World, adventurers can control any of five distinct character classes: fighter, wizard, scout, musketeer, and elementalist. Each class has its own set of stances, which level separately from the character itself, and this makes each character class highly customizable. From the physically imposing fighter to the mystical wizard to the crafty scout to the powerful elementalist to the bold musketeer, the array of skills and abilities available to players is vast. By allowing players to combine up to three personalized classes at once, Sword delivers a previously unseen level of depth in character development and gameplay strategy. No class need be like another, no two teams will be the same and no MMORPG offers players such a dynamic experience with character classes.

This character class is strong and tough, able to both take and dole out punishment while going toe to toe with enemies. The fighter gains access to some of the best armor in the game and deals a significant amount of damage using a wide variety of weapons. This class can handle large weapons such as two-handed swords and pole arms, fence with a rapier for speed and damage or, when defense matters most, face danger with a single-handed sword and a trusty shield. But that is only the beginning. Fighters can take on monsters with their bare knuckles, daggers, javelins, or even brandish two pistols. Last but not least, fighters possess the ability to provoke enemies. In Sword of the New World, the fighter is without a doubt the melee champ.
High-guard. This protective stance arms the fighter with a single-handed sword and a shield. High-guard has the highest blocking ratio, and is a great choice for when defense matters most.
- Slash Down: Cuts the enemy diagonally and nearly triples damage.
- Guardian: Boosts defense by concentrating on blocking.
- Pommel Beat: Smashes an enemy in the head with the bottom of the sword’s grip. This attack ignores the defensive power of small and mid-sized enemies, but isn’t effective against larger foes.
- Stunning Skewer: Bashes an enemy with the shield and then stabs multiple times.
Hack and Slash. Dual wield sword stance reduces defense and blocking, but increases attack speed and offense significantly.
- Hexen Dropper: Rampant attack with both swords.
- Dust Devil: Spinning AOE attack cuts up to five enemies.
- Gladiator’s Bane: Stabs an enemy with the left sword and slashes at the opponent’s throat with the right sword.
- Shootingstar: Eviscerates an enemy by stabbing and slashing the opponent’s abdomen dozens of times.
Heaven or Hell. This battle stance places a sword in the fighter’s right hand and a pistol in the left hand. Though more difficult to learn than other stances, its deadly power makes it worth mastering.
- Pistol Shots: Draws from firearm expertise and allows the fighter to shoot the pistol without consuming SP.
- Deadly Infinitum: Cuts the enemy four times and finishes with a pistol shot.
- Heavenly Cutter: Destroys an opponent with a fierce rotational cutting attack.
- Hell Charge: Shoots up to six enemies, and then rushes opponents with sword swinging.
- The fighter's provoke ability allows this class to gain the attention of multiple nearby enemies and keep them away from lightly-armored characters. This can also be a powerful tool for gathering a group of monsters so that your other characters can use AoE (area of effect) attacks without the targets running out of the area.
- Good armor dramatically reduces the damage your fighter takes, so it is a good idea to reinforce or enchant your armor pieces whenever you can.
- The fighter is especially useful when used to support and compliment other character classes. Consider combining your fighter with a scout and another damage class.
- The deep-straight skill forces an opponent to the ground, but it also cancels the fighter's auto-attack on that target. However, that does not mean that you cannot attack the target; it just means you need to manually re-select the target while it is still on the ground.

The wizard is a powerful magic-using class that specializes in AoE (area-of-effect) damage spells, curses, and buffs. This class can levitate, employ telekinetic powers, shield team members from many types of attacks, as well as use a lethal array of curses. The wizard can cast an offensive buff on allies that reflects damage back onto attackers, a significant ability in a dangerous new world with so many monsters attacking from all sides. A balanced magic user, casting both offensive and defensive spells, the wizard is a mighty opponent and a valuable class to include in any team.
Psychokinesis. A magic stance that attacks enemies physically.
- Throw Back: Strong telekinetic attack that knocks an opponent back.
- Web: AOE attack that slams flying enemies to the ground and pins them, and also holds all ground enemies still. Affects up to six opponents.
- Earthquake: Violent AOE shakes the ground and knocks down as many as eight enemies.
- Apocalypse: AOE attack that creates an enveloping darkness that severely damages up to 10 enemies.
ESP. A magic stance granting mental powers, mainly of a defensive nature involving buffs.
- Spiritual Shield: Provides all team members with a strong mental shield against offensive magic.
- Anti-magic Shell: Invigorates all team members and lends an impenetrable shield against magic for a short time.
- Protection Field: Shields one team member with a powerful protective field against physical attacks.
- Dispel Magic: Removes harmful magic from team members and negates buffs from opponents.
Levitation. Impressive wizard stance grants levitation at the cost of SP and has several telekinetic skills.
- Reverse: AOE skill cancels attacks of enemies and suspends up to six opponents in the air.
- Photon Splash: AOE attack blasts damaging telekinetic energy at up to 10 enemies.
- Black Hole: Creates a powerful gravitational field pulling as many as 12 opponents to the ground.
- The wizard gets an AoE (area of effect) spell several levels later than the elementalist, so it is a good idea to keep a scout around in the first few levels if you are going to use a wizard. You will likely need the healing power as your team will not have as much damage potential when engaging multiple targets.
- Don't neglect the wizard's buff stances. Later in the game, they become very valuable to teams struggling to survive the harsh environments of the new world.
- Several stances are available to the wizard without a weapon equipped, but remember that the wizard's auto-attack damage is based on having an equipped weapon.

The Scout is an amazing character class, arguably the most versatile adventurer in the game. This class is far from being the limited sort of healer common to other MMORPGs. It has the ability to heal from any stance and by taking advantage of a variety of stances, the scout can resuscitate allies, cast empowering buffs, install devastating traps, fight with a single dagger while evading attacks, or wield two daggers for a dominating attack of its own. Scouts are rugged survivors, valuable allies in any squad, and lethal damage dealers when they choose to be.
First-aid. The Scout can use a simple healing spell from any stance (and from First-Aid and Fortitudo can auto-heal), but only while in the First-aid stance do they have access to these powerful healing skills.
- Recovery: Heals various mental and physical injuries or weakened conditions.
- Resuscitation: Revives incapacitated characters.
- Cure-all: Heals one character for a huge amount of HP.
- Mass Cure: Heals all team members.
Fortitudo. A potent stance that supports the team with empowering buffs.
- Intensify: Increases the power of all combat skills for the entire team.
- Fortify: Increases the maximum HP of all team members.
- Acceleration: Increases attack speed and movement speed of the entire team.
- Meditation: Increases the rate of recovery of HP and SP for all team members.
Escrima. This lethal single-dagger attack stance also grants the scout excellent evasion abilities. Sometimes called the “Assassin’s Tactic,” this stance gives skills that are fast, uninterrupted, and optimal for one-on-one combat.
- Rajar en Recta: Stabs an opponent deeply and then cuts upward. Ignores the enemy’s defensive power.
- Baile Soleares: Repeatedly stabs an opponent with an enormous increase in attack power.
- Ligera Ventaja: A slashing AOE skill that attacks up to five opponents and has a chance to stun.
- Ilimitada Sierra: Diminishes an opponent’s defense by hitting soft spots. Also greatly increases attack power.
- A scout will only auto-heal while in fortitudo or first aid stances.
- If your scout does not have a weapon equipped, he or she will automatically heal nearby family or squad members who are low on health.
- Even if your scout has a weapon equipped, you can still use the healing skill to manually heal family members.
- While leveling up, try not to neglect your scout's melee stances. They become very valuable later on in the game, and a good scout can deal an impressive amount of damage when healing abilities are not needed.

The Musketeer is one of the most imposing character classes in Sword of the New World. This class is a top-tier damage dealer and primarily relies on pistols and rifles. While musketeers are deadly marksmen, they can do more than shoot enemies from a distance. The musketeer can fight with bare fists, smash enemies with a rifle stock, fire poisonous bullets, slash and stab with a bayonet, and even fire a blinding AOE debuff. This class also possesses a special ability, Concentrate, which allows it to fire upon enemies with great accuracy. The musketeer is as deadly as it is stylish, and few adventurers swagger more in the new world.
Double Gun Shot. A dual-pistol stance with the fastest shooting speed and the lowest accuracy.
- Westraid: Greatly increases shooting speed for both guns, but decreases accuracy.
- Blood Over-Drive: Reckless AOE attack blasts up to eight random enemies.
- Quattro Firing: Quickly shoots one opponent four times.
- R.I.P.: Overwhelming attack unleashes a hailstorm of bullets at one enemy.
Standing Shot. Excellent rifle stance. It grants superior accuracy and quickness.
- Birdfall: Fires at enemies in the air, bringing them down fast; however, this skill cannot be used to attack enemies on the ground.
- Blind Flash: Tremendous AOE debuff. Blinds up to 15 opponents by firing ammunition that explodes with a bright flash of light.
- Headshot: Shoots an opponent in the head. Highly accurate. Devastating damage.
- Undercovering: AOE skill fires many shots at up to six enemies. Chance to inflict Fear.
- Precision Shot: Fires a high-damage shot that never misses.
Encounter Shot. A close-up shooting stance utilizing the bayonet.
- Bayonet Assault: Hits the enemy in the head with the gunstock, and finishes with several rifle shots.
- Glint: Stabs an opponent and then smashes the enemy with a rifle butt.
- Incision: Cuts an enemy twice with the bayonet, and then fires multiple times.
- Shooting Star: Converges on the enemy while firing a shot, kicks the enemy down, and then stabs with the bayonet. Wicked and brutal.
- If a monster gets too close, the musketeer will not be able to engage in ranged combat. Good positioning is critical to getting the most damage out of a musketeer.
- Kneeling stance does the highest amount of damage; just remember that while you are in that stance you cannot move. If you need to make a getaway, make sure to change stances first.
- Remember that bullets are your friend (the ones you use, anyway). Without bullets, musketeers cannot use their most powerful attacks, so stay on top of your bullet supply!
- Musketeer weapons, rifles in particular, cost more to reinforce than other weapons. However, with the extra cost comes extra damage.

Elementalists harness the powers of ice, fire, and lightning to cast offensive magic spells, channeling those powers through the bracelets they wear. This class is arguably the premiere damage dealer in the new world, but it should be played with caution as the class can only wear cloth armor such as robes and so cannot withstand direct attacks for long. Teams will frequently find themselves assaulted by many enemies simultaneously, and the elementalist’s AoE (area-of-effect) attacks are among the best in the game for dealing with multiple foes. While primarily an offensive class, the elementalist can also cast damage and resistance buffs in order to empower allies. By using its ability to activate mana, this class increases its own mana regeneration. As attractive as they are devastating, the elementalist is a force of nature few opponents can overcome.
The elementalist class focuses on three schools (Fire, Ice, and Lightning) with three levels (Possession, Evocation, and Domination) within each school.
Possession Fire. Begin to learn the ways of manipulating fire with this first tier fire stance.
- Fireball: Launches an explosive sphere of flame that blasts and burns up to five enemies.
- Burning Hands: Grants all squad members a fire attack bonus and a fire resistance increase.
- Torch: Sets the ground aflame and damages up to 10 enemies in the scorched area.
Evocation Ice. Advance chilling skills through this second tier ice stance.
- Freeze: Freezes the ground and damages up to 10 nearby enemies.
- Glacier: Heavy ice attack that inflicts severe cold damage to one opponent.
- Ice Storm: Invokes a storm of ice that damages all enemies in its range.
Domination Lightning. This is the third (and highest) tier lightning stance. As is the case with the other third tier elemental magic stances, this one is extremely powerful, but will slow the elementalist’s movement speed to walking.
- Volt: Lightning attack that shocks up to three enemies.
- Electric Plasma: Increases lightning resistance at the cost of fire resistance for all squad members.
- Lightning Blast: Devastates enemies with a massive discharge of lightning that damages up to six.
- Thunder Frenzy: A fury of lightning that shocks and burns up to 12 enemies over time.
- To use your higher level stances, you must equip a bracelet on each wrist.
- While focusing on one element is a good idea when starting out, remember that the lord of the elements stance requires expertise in all elements.
- Using evocation or domination stances will slow your character's movement. If you need to run away, change stances first.
- SP potions are always useful for keeping up the firepower in a long battle.
1 comment:
A new Sword 2 server is being released! So if you want a fresh start take a look
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