The story of Granado Espada is loosely based off the events around the discovery of "The New World", its exploration and conquest. One of the things that set this mmorpg apart is the multi-character control, which is by far the highlight of the game. There are five character classes available and though they come with preset abilities and stats, the models of each are extremely well done. Impressive, final-fantasy like graphics, inspired by the architecture design and fashion of the 17th century Baroque period, with exquisitely designed clothing choices giving a wonderful representation of the era.
While trying to control the battle moves of multiple characters simultaneously might require a fair bit of micro-management skills, combat in general is easy to master.
Character and monster AI is quite commendable, and your family abilities are automatically used with high efficiency. In fact the AI is so good that you can actually leave your characters in auto training mode, while you can do your laundry or watch television etc. You will come back to find your guys having gained some considerable experience during your chores, probably the only mmorpg that brings this benefit of AFK leveling.
Though that could bore some hardcore gamers who might prefer a more challenging fighting style, I find this a nice breakthrough personally & enjoy the idea that I could take a short break from the grind routine whenever I need it, without compromising much leveling speed. The only setback is you can't loot your drops during afk mode, but then again that wouldn't be any difference from botting if it's made possible.
Player Vs Player
Only available on PK enabled servers, the Baron mode feature allows players who enjoy living on the dark side to roam the new world on a killing spree. This should spice up the PvP system abit; though it might be a pain to Vespanolan families who just want to train in peace, who aren't high-leveled enough to counter-react to the criminal after a sneak attack.
Building your family
There are many recruitable non-player characters that will join your family eventually if you complete enough tasks for them. Some have special skill that's unavailable to your stock characters, one of the most desired RNPC is Catherine the Summoner.
Grace Bernelli is also one useful RNPC you can recruit early in the game, she has the ability to wield a shotgun which is not available to base characters.
Once thought dead, Catherine is the final product of her father, Dr. Torsche's experiments. Torsche's past experiments have created an army of lifeless servants at his mansion. After she was brought back to life, Torsche saw that he must part with Catherine, and send her off with a strong Pioneering family to explore the world. Catherine's re-animation has granted her incredible powers, making her a great asset to pioneering families.
A former Intelligence Officer in the Brestian Army, Grace still carries scars of the Three Year War. She has set up a gun shop in Coimbra to sustain her efforts to research the dangerous mineral Otite. Bernelli is the resident expert of shotgun combat in the Coimbra Area.
Moving around the World
Granado Espada is a big place. The basic way to move around is by running, but as you progress through the game, you'll learn to use the maps and various transportations options like warp scrolls & waypoints to help you get around smoothly.
Social Conflict
Granado Espada is facing an upheaval. It's a battle of ideals and will between Princess Gabriela of the Royalists and Simon Ayende of the Republicans. The Royalists firmly believe in Vespanola's right to rule Granado Espada, while the Republicans feel everyone on the continent should be treated as citizens of the New World, and able to rule themselves.
"Granado espada" is Spanish for 'distinguished sword', although the grammer is improper, as in Spanish the noun comes before the adjective. Also, "espada" is a feminine noun, so the name of the game should be "Espada Granada". The game's backstory claims that the new world was "discovered" by 2 explorers named Granado and Espada.
So are you ready to enter the Baroque world and seek your path to glory?
A new Sword 2 server is being released! So if you want a fresh start take a look
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